
DaMaCai 大马彩 is the first part of Wofattcai – Pan Malaysia Pool Sdn.B. (“PMP”), established in Malaysia on 4 July 1988 whose license of operation is under Racing (Totalisator Board) Act, 1961 of Numbers Forecast Totalisator business.
On 9 August 2011, Jana Education Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“JPM”) acquired the entire equity interest in PMP. Following the acquisition of PMP by JPM, all PMP net dividends received by JPM will be donated to The Community Chest (“TCC”). Through this structure, PMP has effectively transformed from a non-profit organization to a social enterprise, enabling TCC to make a long-term contribution to the benefit of the Malaysian community.
They believe that children’s education is the backbone of the country’s development and the key to the country’s future. Many Chinese and Tamil schools and mission schools from East and West Malaysia have received the tireless assistance of PMP. Many of the damaged facilities have been refurbished, with roofs replaced, tiles updated, termite issues addressed, toilets refurbished, and older buildings secured enough for students to use. New buildings and additional facilities, such as function rooms, enclosed walkways, science labs, theaters, and more, received donations.
DaMaCai 1+3D logo is Support Education, play with Us is their company motto, a way of remembering all this from the way they have over time. They won.
To this end, all PMP staff, agents, and clients actively play a role, whether directly or indirectly, contributing to the worthy goal of supporting education for the benefit of the greater Malaysian community.